
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

What we go through in our lives helps shape who we become. And yet, who we are is not in any way dependent on what has happened to us. This is a beautiful and empowering duality of Life. And so I share my story not as a definition of myself, but as a part of the Light that I Am. And so it is. And it is so.

It is my passion to live from the Truth of who I Am in every moment.

I’ve always had a rich inner life, full of ideas, dialogues with the invisible, and contemplations on Life. I can see now that this is one of my greatest gifts, but as a child this inner life was shrouded in fear and pain. Trauma in my childhood manifested as physical, mental, and emotional pain and I was inundated by fearful thoughts. I piled on judgments, a need for understanding, and perfectionism as a way to feel safe.

But as we box ourselves in, our Spirit works harder to break through. After decades of whispers from my Soul, I finally found myself in a high-stress tech job I hated with mounting physical pain. I could sense my life crumbling and opening at the same time. I chose to stop dismissing the Voice of my Soul and follow (on what felt like very shaky ground!) what I Knew to be True.

I began to explore alternative healing (as traditional Western medicine hadn’t helped) and found that my pain was much more than purely physical. I was beginning to understand the mind-body-spirit connection and I was compelled to learn everything I could about who I really was and why I was here. I could feel the Greatness of myself expanding and I dedicated everything I had to my own unfolding. I spent a week in silence and finally found my own Voice. My inner dialogue became aligned with Love and Truth instead of fear and anxiety. My Soul was emerging from out of my pain.

I explored the depths of my trauma, my fears, and my pain and I was held by many beautiful practitioners and teachers of varying modalities along the way, including getting a masters in counseling. As soon as I began to care for myself, the magic of my Life began to unfold. And after decades of living in pain, I healed not only my stage IV endometriosis (and was able to naturally conceive two beautiful children!), unrelenting digestive pain, and chronic low energy, but also my overriding fears and anxieties. I quit my lucrative job in high tech and began the process of reviving my Self. Surrendering to Love and trusting in Source have become the foundation of my life.

I have dedicated myself to Being an embodiment of Spirit, in constant communion with the Divine. My greatest joy is to help others do the same.

And so this my invitation to you: Become a co-creator of your own destiny. Reclaim what has happened to you and align it with the fullest, most beautiful version of yourself. Honor the desire to fulfill the greatness you know lives within you!

I’m so glad you’ve found me here - I know it was not by accident our paths have crossed! My hope for you is that you listen to your Heart and trust your own inner Knowing about your next right step.

With deep Love & reverence for our journeys,


PS: If you’re interested in my professional background, you can learn more here.